Photo credit: Roman Makhmutov

Photo credit: Roman Makhmutov

Jer Thorp

Jer Thorp is one of the world’s foremost data artists and a leading voice for the ethical use of big data. He is best known for designing the algorithm to place the nearly 3,000 names on the 9/11 Memorial in Manhattan. He was The New York Times’s first Data Artist in Residence, is a National Geographic Explorer, a Rockefeller Foundation Fellow, an adjunct professor in New York University’s renowned Interactive Telecommunications Program, and in 2017 and 2018 served as the Innovator in Residence at the Library of Congress. His data-inspired artwork has been shown around the world, including most recently in New York’s Times Square, at the Museum of Modern Art in Manhattan, at the Ars Electronica Center in Austria and at the National Seoul Museum in Korea.


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